Monday, April 23, 2007

New life will never spontainiously appear in my peanut butter.

I think in my last post I promised to tally up the costs of my DWI. I assure it was (and still is) over $3000. But rather than bore you with my conviction and subsequent DMV fiasco (a battle with bureaucracy!) I'm going to dive into a rant.

This country is 48% retarded.

I was alerted to this by the local newspaper. Specifically, this news item.

It quotes the latest Newsweek poll. Which discovered that 48% of the people polled reject the scientific theory of evolution.

While the article makes some valid points, I am startled at the fact that 48% of a random sampling of people are very, seriously, onerously uneducated.

I am so very astonished that biologists even need to argue for evolution. The evidence is insurmountable. Those unwilling to acknowledge evolution burden us all. We are the Earth's accumulation of everything to this moment. Being such a small blip on the unfathomable scale of time is remarkable. We are not the product of some man with a beard. That doesn't flatter us at all!

We are the product of this great blue ball floating in space. Where billions of years of water in liquid form finally grew something! This single satellite we call the Moon stirred everything up so things like amino acids eventually took shape. And not because there was some dude there who said "Let there be life!". It was because these elements in these conditions simply did what was natural to them.

Isn't that more humbling than someone shaking their finger from the clouds? To realize that, the grand scheme of things is set up to take shape into something alive? That this Carbon-12 atom could link up with four different things and even form complex chains and DNA, all by itself?

The God of the bible doesn't exist. God is everything, all inclusive. The Big Bang and everything up until this point and ever after. This Christian stuff is too new and exclusive for its own good.

When religion becomes worth dying for we ask, "What waits for those who believe?"

Welp, no one can say. People don't seem to be coming back to life these days.

It's time for a fresh look at things.